A Taste of the Safe Side: 5 Essential Food Safety Tips

International Chefs Day pays homage to the creativity and passion that chefs pour into their craft. It's an opportunity to honor their culinary mastery and pass on their knowledge to the next generation of those who follow. As we commemorate International Chefs Day, it's crucial to prioritize the importance of food safety.
Soongyi Chung
October 20, 2023
min read

5 key tips for maintaining food safety to properly educate future generations of chefs: 

1. Hand Hygiene
Consistent handwashing is the most effective way to mitigate the transmission of foodborne pathogens. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before handling food and after handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood.

2. Proper Food Storage
To preserve food freshness and maintain organization, utilize a variety of wrappers and containers tailored for different items. For example, use airtight containers for grains, zipper bags for delicate fruits, and aluminum foil for leftover dishes. 

Store food at the correct temperatures to prevent bacterial growth. Refrigerate perishable items at or below 40°F (4°C) and keep frozen foods at 0°F (-18°C) or lower. As a general guideline, raw meats can be refrigerated for 1-5 days and frozen for 3-12 months, while vegetables can be refrigerated for 3-7 days and frozen for 8-12 months. Always be sure to rely on your own judgment to ensure safety and freshness. 

3. Cook to Safe Temperatures:
Quick-serve restaurants often cook poultry to 165°F (73.9°C) for rapid service, while dine-in and fine dining establishments may have more flexibility, opting for temperatures ranging from 145-165°F (62.8-73.9°C) for enhanced flavor and presentation. 

Each type of restaurant tailors its cooking temperatures to their unique needs and culinary style while prioritizing food safety. Use a food thermometer to ensure that foods are cooked to safe internal temperatures. 

USDA recommendations:

  • Poultry - 165°F (73.9°C)
  • Ground meat - 160°F (71.1°C) 
  • Whole cuts of meat 145°F (62.8°C) 

For a deeper dive into USDA's safe minimum internal temperature guidelines, you can find additional information here.

4. Avoid Cross-Contamination

Minimize the risk of cross-contamination by avoiding the transfer of harmful bacteria from one surface to another. Use separate cutting boards and containers for raw meats to avoid cross-contamination; color-coded cutting boards can help differentiate between various ingredient types. 

For instance, when preparing a meal, use one cutting board exclusively for slicing raw meats and another for chopping fresh vegetables. Have dedicated containers for marinating meats and storing leftovers. This separation ensures that harmful bacteria from raw meat don't come into contact with ready-to-eat foods, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

5. Regular Cleaning and Sanitizing

This entails wiping down all areas and equipment with disinfectants, regularly replacing dish towels, and cleaning storage areas. Be particularly vigilant about frequently touched surfaces and the handles of kitchen tools.

A few key cleaning products used by chefs: 

  • Commercial Degreasers: Removes tough grease and grime from stovetops, ovens, and grills.
  • Disinfectant Cleaners & Multi-Surface Cleaners: To regularly sanitize kitchen equipment and food preparation areas; suitable for a wide range of surfaces.
  • Bleach or Peroxide-Based Cleaners: To deep clean and disinfect areas, specifically addressing bacterial contamination.
  • Sanitizing Wipes: For quick and convenient surface cleanup of countertops, equipment handles and high-touch areas.
  • Dishwashing Detergent: For cleaning and removing food residue from kitchen utensils, cookware and dishes. 

By thoroughly following food safety guidelines, you reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. However, accidents can happen in any kitchen - That's where Meridio comes in as a vital safety net. Meridio ensures that, in the unfortunate event of an illness or injury, you have the necessary healthcare coverage that is affordable and easy to access.

Focusing on food safety extends beyond just safeguarding your customers. Ensure your own well-being as a chef by exploring Meridio's cost-effective healthcare solutions at getmeridio.com